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PhD Placements

Name PhD Year Dissertation Title Placement
Hesu Yoon The Social Construction of Neighborhood Desirability Assistant Professor of Sociology, ENSAE-CREST École Polytechnique
Jan G. Voelkel Megastudies for Social Change: Identifying the Most Promising Treatments for Changing Political Attitudes Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Sociology, Cornell University
Kimya Loder “Owning Our Power”: The Individual and Collective Politics of Black Transgender Women in the Southern United States Assistant Professor of Sociology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Nima Dahir Who is Black on the Block? Black Immigrants, Segregation, and Neighborhood Change Assistant Professor of Sociology, The Ohio State University
Emma Tsurkov The Role of Sexual Harassment in Educational and Occupational Sex-Segregation Director of Quantitative Research, Anti-Defamation League
Kimberly Higuera Migrating Money: The Social Status Repercussions of US-Mexico Remittances Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Livia Baer-Bositis Push and Pull: Boundary formation and competition within a feminizing profession Senior Analyst, Hart Research Associates
Amy L. Johnson From Deviance to Diagnosis: Cultural Meanings of Mental Health Assistant Professor of Sociology, Lehigh University
Beka Guluma Ethnic Identity and Homeland Politics in the Oromo Diaspora Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of African American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park
Christianne Corbett Belonging at Work: The Role of Organizational Factors and Interpersonal Interactions in Maintaining Workplace Inequality Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Arkansas
Esha Chatterjee College majors and Inequality in the Labor Market Survey Researcher, IoES, University of California, Los Angeles
Julia L. Melin Upskilled and Reskilled: How Gender Shapes Career Transitions in the New Economy Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
Rebecca Gleit De Facto School Discipline and the Maintenance of Inequality Assistant Professor of Sociology, Skidmore College
Catherine Sirois Governing at the Margins: How the State Manages Children at the Junction of Dependent and Delinquent Postdoctoral Fellow, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University
Francine Stephens Locating Legacies of Environmental Racism in Park-Going Behavior: A Study of Urban Nature, Race, and Spatial Interactions Geospatial Data Scientist, Expedia
Sasha Shen Johfre The Construction of Nature and Social Categories Assistant Professor of Sociology and the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences at the University of Washington
Tamkinat S. Rauf The Inequalities of Well-being and Income Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Austin van Loon Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Sociological Study of Meaning Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies, MIT Sloan School of Management
Josh Leung-Gagn​é Segregation and Inequality Across Neighborhoods, Classrooms, and Police Jurisdictions Research Scholar at the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University
Tagart Cain Sobotka Bad Doctors, Enablers, and the Powerless: The Opioid Crisis and the Construction of Blame Assistant Teaching Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Scott Westenberger Fashion Changes: The Role of the Audience in the Fashion Cycle Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jeff T. Sheng Invisible Power: How the Internet and Online Ties Strengthen Social Movements Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Marlene Orozco Modern Ethnic Entrepreneurship: A Pathway of Economic Mobility? Associate Director Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative
Anna Boch How free is speech on campus, and how free should it be? Tolerance, political ideology and the United States Research Scientist, Facebook, Inc.
Katie Wullert Learning on the Job Search: How Application Experiences Shape Labor Market Outcomes Program Officer at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Chloe Grace Hart The Hidden Costs of Sexual Harassment Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jasmine Hill Misinformed: Mobility Knowledge as a Process of Racial Inequality Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Sociology, University of California Los Angeles
Jacob Reidhead Nomination Patronage and Party Splitting: Comparing Intraparty Politics in South Korea and Taiwan Assistant Professor, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan
Jared Furuta Global Changes in the Structural Dimensions of National Education Systems: High Stakes Examinations, Tracking, and National Assessments, 1960-2010 Quantitative UX Researcher, Meta
Amanda Mireles The Constraints of Progress: College Feminization and the Value of the College Degree Assistant Professor, University of California Merced
Gabriel Z. Chiu The Rise of Entrepreneurship in China: Individualization, Modernity, and Entrepreneurialism Postdoc Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
James Y. Chu The Organization of Status: Institutions and the Contingent Consequences of Hierarchy Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
Sangjoon Lee Workplace Participation, Empowerment, and Social Dynamics Associate Research Fellow, Korea Labor Institute (South Korea)
Emily Carian Constructing Manhood: Men's Rights Activists and Feminist Men's Shared Meanings of Gender Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, San Bernardino
Christof Brandtner Cities in Action: City Climate Action, Civil Society, and the Organization of Cities Assistant Professor of Social Innovation, Emlyon Business School; Initial Placement: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Chicago, Department of Sociology and Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation
Jessica Santana Embracing Failure: How Failure Rhetoric and the Peer Network Influence Entrepreneurial Success Assistant Professor in Technology Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, College of Engineering
Ling Zhu Balancing Political Control and Regional Development: Spatial Mobility in the Chinese Bureaucracy Assistant Professor of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Molly King Knowledge Inequality Assistant Professor of Sociology, Santa Clara University
Angela Lu Bringing the Organization Back in: Personnel Mobility and Career Lines in Large Bureaucratic Systems Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong's Business School
Juan Manuel Pedroza Betwixt and Between Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
Diana Dakhlallah Where the Action Is: A Conceptual and Experimental Evaluation of Measurement, Dynamics, and Reputational Incentives in Corrupt Transactions Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal
Priya Fielding-Singh The Inheritance of Health: How Socioeconomic Status Shapes Family Food Practices Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Bogdan State Sociological Methods in the Digital Age: Research in Computational Sociology Data Scientist, Facebook
Sandra Nakagawa Gender Identity Shapes Preferences for Health and Environmental Behaviors Postdoctoral Scholar, California Council on Science and Technology
Alison Wynn When Best Practices Fall Short: Gender Equality Initiatives in Organizations Senior Research Scholar, VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford
Katharina Roesler Police Professionalism and Racial Disparities in Arrest Rates: An Examination of Police Discrimination, Discretion, and Diversity Data Scientist, Square, Inc.
Ariela Schacter Can't We All Just Get Along? Native Born Americans' Perspectives on Race and Immigration Assistant Professor of Sociology, Washington University in Saint Louis
Koji Chavez How Employers Hire (Women, Immigrants, and the Educationally Elite): Meritocracy, Egalitarianism, and Cultural Fit in the Silicon Valley Assistant Professor of Sociology, Indiana University, Bloomington
Kate Weisshaar From 'Opt Out' to 'Blocked Out': The Negative Consequences of Intermittent Employment Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Adam Horowitz Authenticity's Genome: Heredity, Conversion, and the Adaptability of Ethnoracial Membership Data Scientist, Facebook
Natassia Rodriguez Rags to Riches? Social Origin-Based Stratification Among Early Career College Graduates Education Research Analyst at RTI International
Lauren Benditt Government Bureaucrats in a Postmodern World: Expectations, Identity, and Attacks Research Analyst, YouGov
Beth Red Bird The New Economic Institutionalism of Occupations Assistant Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University
Karen Powroznik In the Name of Health: The Social Consequences of Cultural Assumptions about Health and Illness Research Director, Meta Inc.
Marion Coddou Faithful Citizenship: The Impact of Institutional Practices on Faith-Based Organizing for Immigrants Researcher, Stanford Institutional Research & Decision Support
Nandini Roy The Ties that Bind: Non-Profit Networks and Neighborhood Collective Action in San Francisco Analyst, Apple Inc.
Tristan Ivory "We Came in Search of Greener Pastures": Social and Economic Outcomes of Sub-Saharan Africans in Urban Japan Assistant Professor of International and Comparative Labor, Cornell University
Rachel Wright Can Nonprofits Lead a Movement for Economic Justice? Director of Research, Sacred Heart Community Service
Swethaa Ballakrishnen Women in Black: The Unlikely Case of Gender-Neutral Professional Success in Indian Law Firms Assistant Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine
LaToya Baldwin Clark Race, Parenting and Special Education Assistant Professor of Law, University of California, Los Angeles
Susan Fisk Risky Spaces, Gendered Places: How Interesting Beliefs about Gender and Risk Reinforce and Recreate Gender Inequality Assistant Professor of Sociology, Kent State University, Ohio
Kathryne Young Everyone Knows the Game: Identity and Legal Consciousness in the Hawaiian Cockfight Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Patrick Bergemann Systems of Mass Denunciation Assistant Professor, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
Beste Esra Burak Ho Is the Sky the Limit? Three Papers Examining American Attitudes Towards Extremely High Pay Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Jamillah Bowman Williams Status Processes and Organizational Inequality: The Social Psychology of Inclusion Professor of Law, Georgetown Law School
Lindsay Owens The Many Meanings of Debt Economic Policy Advisor in the office of Senator Elizabeth Warren, Washington DC
Krystale Littlejohn Women Navigating Fertility Goals and Multiracials Navigating Partnership: Three Papers Examining Inequality in the Family Domain Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon
John Chandler Johnson Structuration, Knowledge Coordinating, and Profit: Modeling a Microsociological Theory of Disequilibrium Market Dynamics Associate Professor, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Traci Tucker Explaining the Unexpected: Sense-Making and the Perpetuation of Gender Stereotypes User Experience Researcher, Facebook, Inc.
Sara Jordan-Bloch Mattering to Teachers: A Social Psychological Approach to the Teacher-Student Relationship Senior Research Scholar, Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
Dan Wang Reversing the Brain Drain: Skilled Return Migration and the Global Movement of Expert Knowledge David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor of Business, Columbia Business School, New York
Yujia Liu The Payoff to Skill and the Evolution of Earnings Inequalities Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of South Carolina
Ling Yang The Chinese Export Toy Industry in a Time of Crises, 2008 - 2010: Transnational Labor Certification, Subcontracting Strategies, and State-business Relationship Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China
Sarah Katherine Harkness Consequences of Rewards: The Creation, Perpetuation, and Erosion of Social Inequality Associate Professor of Sociology, The University of Iowa
Alex Makarevich Interorganizational Ties and Organizational Outcomes: Essays on the Role of Network Ties and Ecological Factors in the U.S. Venture Capital Industry, 1961-2002 Associate Professor of Management, College of Business and Economics, California State University, East Bay
Ivaylo Petev Essays on the Social Stratification of Consumption in Postwar United States and France Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
Alicia Darnell Simmons Race Cues in the News, Racial Attitudes, and the Politics of Criminal Justice Punitiveness Associate Professor of Sociology, Colgate University, New York
Manwai Ku When Does Gender Matter? Gender Segregation in the Professions of Medicine, Teaching and Law Research Program Manager, Apple Inc.
Elizabeth Aura McClintock Race, Class, Age and Appearance: Matching, Exchange, and Other Properties of Dating and Marriage Markets Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Emily Ryo Becoming Illegal: Rationality and Morality of Undocumented Immigrants Professor of Law and Sociology, University of Southern California Law School
Kaisa Elina Snellman Battles in Boardrooms: Diffusion of the Shareholder Rhetoric and Practices in Finland, 1990-2005 Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD, Paris
Kendra Bischoff Negotiating Disparate Social Contexts: Evidence from an Inter-District School Desegregation Program Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cornell University, New York
Laura Lopez-Sanders Is Brown the New Black? Mediated Latino Incorporation in New Immigrant Destinations Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University
Stephen Charles Nuñez The Moral Economy of Debt: Race, Ethnicity and Perceptions of Fairness in Credit Markets for the Poor Research Associate II, MDRC, New York
Amanda J. Sharkey Sieves and Lenses: Essays on the Role of Categories in Social Valuation Associate Professor of Organizations and Strategy, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago