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How to Declare

So you want to major or minor in Sociology? Congratulations and welcome! Here is what you need to do:

For Sociology Majors:

  1. Declare on Axess
  2. Make a copy of and complete the appropriate declaration form:
    1. Sociology Major Declaration Form: Traditional Track 
    2. Sociology Major Declaration Form: Data Science, Markets and Management subplan
  3. Email Sociology Student Services,  with the completed form, and she will provide additional information about the "next steps."
  4. Think about who you would like your faculty advisor to be - refer to the tenure line faculty list for available advisors

For Sociology Minors: 

Main Quad portal, view from Lomita Mall. Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
Main Quad portal, view from Lomita Mall. Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
  1. Declare on Axess
    1. *You can register for the Sociology minor directly on Axess, but you should follow up with an appointment with either Sociology Student Services, or Michael Rosenfeld, Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  2. Make a copy of and complete the appropriate declaration form:
    1. Sociology Minor Declaration Form: Traditional Track
    2. Sociology Minor Declaration Form: Poverty, Inequality, and Policy subplan
  3. Email Sociology Student Services%20sociology [at] ( )with the completed form, and she will provide additional information about the "next steps."