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Contact and Location

General Inquiries

Main Office: 650-725-5772

Fax: 650-725-6471

sociology [at] (sociology[at]stanford[dot]edu)

Department Chair

David Grusky


Main Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm

Mailing Address

Stanford University
Department of Sociology
450 Jane Stanford Way
Building 120, Room 160
Stanford, CA 94305-2047

Location and Parking

The Sociology Department is located at the front of the Main Quad facing the Oval. Follow this link  for a map of the campus. Enter the Department of Sociology address in the search field.

Visitor paid parking is available on Roth Way and near Cantor Arts Center.  Parking permits may be purchased from the Parking and Transportation Services office located at 340 Bonair Siding Road.