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Jared Furuta

B.A. in Philosophy, Brown University, 2010
Graduation Year
Jared Furuta
Dissertation Title
Global Changes in the Structural Dimensions of National Education Systems: High Stakes Examinations, Tracking, and National Assessments, 1960-2010
Quantitative UX Researcher, Meta

Jared pursues research in global/transnational sociology, social stratification, organizations, and the sociology of education.  His current research examines global processes that shape the use of high stakes examinations, tracking, and national assessments at the national level; historical changes in norms and conceptions of "meritocracy" in college admissions policies in the United States; organizational changes in higher education (both in the United States and globally); and the effects of high stakes testing and tracking regimes on various educational, social, and economic outcomes.  Prior to coming to Stanford, Jared was a high school English teacher at Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii and a college advisor in Providence, Rhode Island with the National College Advising Corps.
