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Tyler McDaniel

B.S., University of Utah, 2016
Tyler McDaniel

Hello! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology studying spatial inequalities, education, and the environment. I am particularly interested in how patterns of spatial inequality, such as racial segregation, shape who is impacted by environmental hazards, and how environmental hazards may reshape spatial inequalities. In my dissertation, I use student records from North Carolina and fine-grain hurricane flooding data to look at how environmental hazards influence stratification in educational opportunity, through mechanisms such as repeated disruptions to schooling, differential displacement and mobility patterns across racial and socioeconomic groups, and uneven recoveries across places. 

During my time at Stanford, I have also taught a course on data science and climate change, and worked on projects related to residential segregation, marital surname choices, and activity spaces. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in chatting about any of these topics.
