Mark Granovetter
Mark Granovetter's main interest is in the way people, social networks and social institutions interact and shape one another. He has written extensively on this subject, including his two most widely cited articles "The Strength of Weak Ties" (1973) and "Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness" (1985). In recent years, his focus has been on the social foundations of the economy. His book, Society and Economy, is to be published by Harvard University Press in two volumes. The first volume is broadly theoretical, treating the role in the economy of social networks, norms, trust, power and institutions. Entitled Society and Economy: Framework and Principles, it appeared in early 2017. The second volume, Society and Economy: Cases and Applications, will use this framework to illuminate the study of such important topics as the role of personal relations in the economy, corruption, corporate governance, organizational form and the emergence of new industries such as the American electricity industry and the high-tech industry of Silicon Valley.
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