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Livia Baer-Bositis

B.A., Northwestern University, 2012
Graduation Year
Livia Baer-Bositis
Dissertation Title
Push and Pull: Boundary formation and competition within a feminizing profession
Senior Analyst, Hart Research Associates
Initial Placement
Senior Analyst, Hart Research Associates

My research agenda seeks to identify how we can measure and evaluate social progress over time.  My current projects focus on the intersection of gender and organizational theory in caretaking fields.  In my dissertation research, I examine the role of organizational competition in the gender segregation of work through a case study of the medical profession. I apply theories from  community and organizational ecology to develop new insights into how organizations influence and respond to women’s unprecedented entrance into once male-dominated work, including the role of organizational competition. My work employs mixed methodologies, including historical, archival, and original interview and survey data, and case study and statistical analysis. I have also served as a teaching assistant and grader for courses on theoretical analysis, research design and data collection methodologies, and statistics. 

Selected Publications

Freese, Jeremy & Livia Baer-Bositis. 2019. “Networks of problems: social, psychological, and genetic influences on health.” Current Opinion in Psychology 27: 88-92.
